The challenge of Parenting children Of this Generation And suggested Solutions
The world is a far less moral place than it used to be. There is a glut of sex related advertising. Magazines, that portray women as casual playthings sold at the grocery store. A rock song endorses date rape. Exhibition of all sorts of immoral stuffs on social media, as evidenced by what is seen and heard every day, this is an immoral world.
A mother lamented “Condoms are given out at school, so teenagers think having sex is all right as long as it’s safe Another mother says “I asked my son what he would do if he and his girlfriend were alone. His reply was, i don’t know”.
How can parents help their teens make wise moral decisions?
1. Avoid The Illusion of Control.
Some parents try to maintain 24-hour surveillance over their teens by hovering over them and monitoring their every move, that can only drive them underground. Their sons or daughters became used to hiding the very conduct the parents were trying to prevent. Therefore, excessive control is not the answer. God himself does not use that method to elicit obedience from his creatures and neither should you as a parent use it.
2. Provide The Guidance They Need.
Children can not learn to protect themselves from the world’s increasing immortality from television, from social media which groups of youths listed as their most important source of information about almost everything, not even from teachers and certainly not from the stories related to them by their schoolmates.
If education in morals and family life is to be successful, it has to begin at home. Parents should inculcate moral values in their children. Charity begins at home.
3. Quality Listening / Communication.
Successful parents often comment on how much time they spent listening to their children. They know what is going on in their children’s lives. Have an ongoing discussions with your children and start when they are young.
Parents should be their teenagers’ primary source of reliable information, be your children’s friend and create room for free communication in the household.
4. Be a Good Role Model.
Children’s perceptive powers need to be trained so as to distinguish between right and wrong,. To achieve this, parent should uphold high moral standard and value. Do you believe that sex should be reserved for marriage?
Then tell your teen, clearly and often. Discuss it with them in a comprehensive manner. According to a research work, “Homes where parents have given their teen children clear messages that indicate that they disapprove of teens having intercourse, these teens are more likely to delay becoming involved in sexual intercourse”. Solid family values will provide a foundation upon which children can build their own.
5. Importance of Warning.
Children need to be warned about the circumstances of any wrong action taken by them. It is actually helpful.
They should know, for example that no method of contraception is foolproof. Unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases often manifest even when contraceptives are used.
In Conclusion, regardless of huge challenges faced by both parents and children in this present system of things, the words recorded by the ancient prophet of God have proved true: “I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea”. Following this time-proved principle can make parenthood and childhood’s experiences loving and memorable one.
By a parent
Adedeji Oluwasogo Adeoti